
To be the leading company in engineering, support and production of products and services, offering definitive solutions with a high level of quality and safety; with a qualified and competent human capital, to achieve a better coexistence between the planet and living beings.

Consolidate ourselves in the market as the company that provides definitive solutions in any sector, and with this achieve a positive impact on society and the environment.


Respect for the environment and the human being
Respect for the laws
Social responsability

Company Philosophy

Our products and services are based on providing the best satisfaction to our customers. For us, Volcano S.A. de C.V., high quality and a wide variety of products and services that respect the strictest safety standards, the planet, the state and living beings, will always be our focus. Our actions are summarized in our motto, Trusted Partners which characterizes our philosophy and our actions.

Our strength represents the quality of our employees. It is the reason why each product or service developed bears our signature with pride. Our strategy and business philosophy is always our effort to respond to the minimum requirement of our clients and partners.


We are also a company dedicated to the construction of small and large-scale works

Marketing and publicity

Part of our employees, also specialized in online advertising, as well as conventional advertising

Courses and training

We organize and innovate with our work strategies in terms of online and face-to-face training

Import and Export

Our business relationships have taken us to remote locations and the opportunity for a long chain of contact.

Online Trading

We develop powerful online businesses, taking our clients and partners to another level of sales


Coffee is one of the most appreciated beverages in the world and we distribute coffee from El Salvador equally


At Volcano S.A. de C.V. They are experts in everything related to Social Networks, excellent professionals with a lot of responsibility.

Javier Maldonado

Volcano S.A. de C.V. they always seek the satisfaction of their customers, from a technical point of view they keep up to date with new trends, understand how to apply them and obtain benefits for themselves and their customers.

Donaldo Ventura

At Volcano S.A. de C.V. They work excellent professionals, 100% proactive. They inspire confidence with their work and dedication. I can say that it is a serious and recommendable company for any task entrusted to it.